This type of therapy uses rewards to reinforce positive behaviours and teach new skills. Parents andother caregivers are trained so they can give the autistic child moment-by-moment feedback.
Treatment goals are based on the individual. They might include communication, social skills,personal care, and school work. Studies show children who receive early, intensive ABA can make big,lasting gains.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behaviour.
Behaviour analysis helps us to understand:
● How behaviour works
● How behaviour is affected by the environment
● How learning takes place
ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behaviour works to real situations. The goal is toincrease behaviours that are helpful and decrease behaviours that are harmful or affect learning
ABA therapy programs can help:
● Increase language and communication skills
● Improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics
● Decrease problem behaviours
The methods of behaviour analysis have been used and studied for decades. They have helped many
kinds of learners gain different skills – from healthier lifestyles to learning a new language. Therapists
have used ABA to help children with autism and related developmental disorders since the 1960s.
How does ABA therapy work?
Applied Behavior Analysis involves many techniques for understanding and changing behaviour. ABAis a flexible treatment:
● Can be adapted to meet the needs of each unique person
● Provided in many different locations – at home, at school, and in the community
● Teaches skills that are useful in everyday life
● Can involve one-to-one teaching or group instruction
Positive reinforcement is one of the main strategies used in ABA.
When a behaviour is followed by something that is valued (a reward), a person is more likely torepeat that behaviour. Over time, this encourages positive behaviour change.
First, the therapist identifies a goal behaviour. Each time the person uses the behaviour or skillsuccessfully, they get a reward. The reward is meaningful to the individual – examples include praise,a toy or book, watching a video, access to playground or other location, and more.
Positive rewards encourage the person to continue using the skill. Over time this leads to meaningful
behaviour change.
Understanding antecedents (what happens before a behaviour occurs) and consequences (whathappens after the behaviour) is another important part of any ABA program
The following three steps – the “A-B-Cs” – help us teach and understand behaviour:
An antecedent: this is what occurs right before the target behaviour. It can be verbal, such asa command or request. It can also be physical, such a toy or object, or a light, sound, orsomething else in the environment. An antecedent may come from the environment,fromanother person, or be internal (such as a thought or feeling)
1. Why a behaviour may be happening
2. How different consequences could affect whether the behaviour is likely to happen again
1. Why a behaviour may be happening
2. How different consequences could affect whether the behaviour is likely to happen againHow could ABA help the student learn a more appropriate behaviour in this situation?
● Antecedent: The teacher says “time to clean up” at the end of the day.
● Behaviour: The student is reminded to ask, “Can I have 5 more minutes?”
● Consequence: The teacher says, “Of course you can have 5 more minutes!
With continued practice, the student will be able to replace the inappropriate behaviour with onethat is more helpful. This is an easier way for the student to satisfy the child’s needs
What Does an ABA Program Involve?
Good ABA programs for autism are not “one size fits all.” ABA should not be viewed as a canned setof drills. Rather, each program is written to meet the needs of the individual learner.
The goal of any ABA program is to help each person work on skills that will help them become moreindependent and successful in the short term as well as in the future.
Planning and Ongoing Assessment
A qualified and trained behaviour analyst (BCBA) designs and directly oversees the program. Theycustomise the ABA program to each learner’s skills, needs, interests, preferences and family situation.
The Child Psychologist will start by doing a detailed assessment of each person’s skills andpreferences. They will use this to write specific treatment goals. Family goals and preferences may be included, too.
Treatment goals are written based on the age and ability level of the person with ASD. Goals can include many different skill areas, such as:
● Communication and language
● Social skills
● Self-care (such as showering and toileting)
● Play and leisure
● Motor skills
● Learning and academic skills
The instruction plan breaks down each of these skills into small, concrete steps. The therapist teaches each step one by one, from simple (e.g. imitating single sounds) to more complex (e.g.carrying on a conversation).
The therapists measure progress by collecting data in each therapy session. Data helps them tomonitor the person’s progress toward goals on an ongoing basis.
The behaviour analyst regularly meets with family members and program staff to review information about progress. They can then plan ahead and adjust teaching plans and goals as needed.
ABA Techniques and Philosophy
The instructor uses a variety of ABA procedures. Some are directed by the instructor and others are directed by the person with autism.
Parents, family members and caregivers receive training so they can support learning and skill practice throughout the day.
The person with autism will have many opportunities to learn and practice skills each day. This can happen in both planned and naturally occurring situations. For instance, someone learning to greet others by saying “hello” may get the chance to practise this skill in the classroom with their teacher
(planned) and on the playground at recess (naturally occurring).
The learner receives an abundance of positive reinforcement for demonstrating useful skills and socially appropriate behaviours. The emphasis is on positive social interactions and enjoyable learning.
The learner receives no reinforcement for behaviours that pose harm or prevent learning.
ABA is effective for people of all ages. It can be used from early childhood through adulthood!
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